Kamac contracting
Allen drill HD6000
Year 2015

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Our services include drilling with fert/ slugbait/ insecticide options of 2 6metre Allen drills, precision planting with fert through a 6metre vadestad tempo, 8 furrow plough, full cultivation options including 7metre topdown/ heva disc setup/ Salford cultivator and deep ripping. We have a highly trained team to deliver the best results for your crop.
Region Mid Canterbury
Our services include drilling with fert/ slugbait/ insecticide options of 2 6metre Allen drills, precision planting with fert through a 6metre vadestad tempo, 8 furrow plough, full cultivation options including 7metre topdown/ heva disc setup/ Salford cultivator and deep ripping. We have a highly trained team to deliver the best results for your crop.
Region Mid Canterbury