6m Allens Triple Disc Drill
Allen HD6000
Year 2015

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Suitable for varying conditions, from compact dry soils to those with high levels of residue, the Allen’s 6m drill consistently delivers cost effective crop & pasture establishment. Key Features: Fertiliser box, accord metering system, seed & insecticide box, slug bait applicator, trimble GPS, field mapping & full auto steer, 700g to 1.5 tonne sowing rate, 6”, 12” or 18” + row spacing, seed & insecticide box and packing ties.
Region Mid Canterbury
Suitable for varying conditions, from compact dry soils to those with high levels of residue, the Allen’s 6m drill consistently delivers cost effective crop & pasture establishment. Key Features: Fertiliser box, accord metering system, seed & insecticide box, slug bait applicator, trimble GPS, field mapping & full auto steer, 700g to 1.5 tonne sowing rate, 6”, 12” or 18” + row spacing, seed & insecticide box and packing ties.
Region Mid Canterbury